Unleash powerful possibilities with our expertise and enthusiasm for technology.

Founded in 2014 by Josh Mathew, OnHive is a tech solutions company based in the GTA. With his background in engineering and expertise in systems design, OnHive was first introduced to the market as a smart home automation provider. Today, we are a full-service tech solutions company.

We integrate connected technology in day-to-day functioning spaces.

In a world of emerging technologies, we simplify adoption and implementation for our clients.

We automate key aspects and features of your home or business space, built on custom IoT (Internet of Things) and automation ecosystems from leaders in the industry that focus on: security, climate control, lighting, Wi-Fi networks, audio-visual systems and more. If you use it, we can automate it.

For founders in the IoT, IIoT and cloud-based platform space with accompanying hardware solutions, we become your implementation and field support partners.

In other words, we help people integrate different technology systems to work on one platform.

Get the tech solutions you need, tailored to your business, with no research required.

As the marginal cost of energy and compute trails to zero, technological adoption and development will be exponential paired with affordability and access. How does one then determine what solutions within the cloud-based Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) tech are appropriate in their day-to-day functioning spaces? 

Here is where OnHive simplifies the process of tech adoption and implementation through systems design, specification, installation and integration. We are a full-service provider.


We work with industry leaders
